The modern working man has become more sedentary and desk bound. In addition to this, stress and pressure to perform and provide has increased. The need to also look after your body may fall on the weekends with what precious time you have to go kick a football with your mates, go to the gym, take yourself off for a cycle, play a round of golf etc…

But often these activities result in injury. Why? Going from the extreme of being quite sedentary during the week to suddenly being active means your body is not able to cope and react to more dynamic, multidirectional, high loaded movements.

Perhaps you don’t play sports or go to the gym but you are still in pain. The reason goes back to what are you doing the majority of your time? Is it sitting? Read on to find out what Men Do PIlates can do for you.

Men Do Pilates addresses common problems that many men have including tight hamstrings and hips; weak core leading to increased back pain; imbalances between the back and chest muscles, which can create stooped shoulders and in turn neck and shoulder pain. It can also:

  • Increase your athletic performance complimenting your sporting disciplines
  • Improve your posture which in turn reduces stresses on your neck, shoulders, knees, hips and back
  • Increase your overall joint mobility and decrease compression.

To find out more about how Men Do Pilates can help you, take a look at my video programme.

What can Men Do Pilates do for me?